As you wake in any morning in Jieba Village, if you live in the house laying out against the slope of a knoll, you would just enjoy an excellent view of snow mountain only need to raise your eyes, which is considered as the most extravagant happiness.
People are saying that Tibetans who live in Gongbu Jiangda County generation after generation are named "Gongbu People,” which means that people who live in the valley, somewhat different from those people that live in other regions of Tibet. Gongbu People boast sets of costumes on their own, landscape architecture with its unique spots and a wide variety of festivals, even their language differs greatly from other Tibetan people.
The peaceful beauty of the picturesque village remote from the city seduced for a little one not much given to the vague and poetic, which held forth the charms of storied and poetical association. Jieba Village is believed to be a Tibetan-style village with primitive Gongbu flavor, which has over 80 households and seems to be a big village in the local place.
As the story goes, there're still a few families of polyandry within the boundaries of the village. Crowds of men and women prefer to wear such a kind of woolen long gown made from Pulu. The womankind of Jieba Village all put on silver bands on the waist, wear a variety of jewelers and wrap around a peaudesinge waistcoat across the back.
You would be received the warmth and courtesy of the welcome as long as you push through the door of any household. There're fireplace, stone pot, aluminium pot and many more in the house, which can be now widely used for cooking and heating. The artificial light is one kind of densata hanging on the air, and the burning woods are European beech common of excellent quality.
Surrounded by the beautiful lake and hills, Jieba Village was like something out of Grimm. The countryside in the Jieba Village was bathed between the high snow mountains and the vast expanses of green water. The fields under the brilliant sunshine in the early morning, the cottages gleaming in the wood, the most innocent village members and children are seen everywhere.
The crowing of cocks, the barking of dogs and the calls of vendors carried a long distance so that they could be heard from afar, rather like the cries of cranes coming down from the sky. A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the corkscrew of smoke curing upward from kitchen chimneys against the green and a bower of roses round the door. More informaiton traveling in Tibet.