High-speed trains include D Category Trains,G Category Trains and C Category Trains which are much more faster than regular trains. High-speed trains can reach a speed of 400km/h and only work under the advanced technological communication systems.
Seats on High-Speed Trains
Second Class Seats
This kind of seats is the cheapest and most common seat on the high-speed train.It's like the economy class on the plane.Even it's cheap,you still have enough leg space and a tray table infront.
In the second class carriage,there are total five seats in a row.Three at one side and two at the other side of the aisle.
First Class Seats
First class seats are better and more expensive than the second class seats.With larger seat size and more personal space,passenger can have a more enjoyable travel time.
In the first class carriage,there are four seats in a row and each said of asile has two.
Business Class Seats
Like the first-class on the plane,business class seats are the most comfortable,luxurious and expensive seats on the high-speed trains.In Business class carriage,there are three seats in a row,one side has one and the other of asile has two.
Facilities on High-Speed Train
Baggage Holder
There are two kinds of baggage holder in high-speed trains.One is luggage racks which are above the seats on both sides of a carriage.You can put the normal size bags and suitcases.The other is luggage closets which are located at the junctions of two carriages.It's for large-sized trolley suitcases.
Battery Charging
There are power points under every seat on the high-speed train.It's mainly for both two-blades and three-blades plugs.It's very convenient to recharge your phone or computer during your journey.
Dining & Hot Water
Water heater can be found at one end of each carriage and boiled water is available during your whole journey.There are also trolleys in the aisles selling refreshment,drinks and hot meals ever half hour. You can also have meals at the dining car.
On some trains, free meals and beverages are served for the passengers in the business (sightseeing) class, super class and first class carriages.You can also have Halal food on some trains.
Currently the main four North-South HSR lines of China trains are Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Harbin, Hangzhou-Fuzhou-Shenzhen, and the main four East-West HSR lines are Qingdao-Taiyuan, Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu, Xuzhou-Lanzhou, Shanghai-Kunming.